Saturday 12 January 2013

 A long story short, I moved to Iowa in the USA and lived there for four years. While I lived there I decided that I wanted to have a go at cake decorating. You know the US is the Cake Capitol, they know how to make fantastic things with sugar over there. I have a strong interest in hand crafting and moulding figures and painting. In another life I could have been a sculptress! Anyhow I decided to incorporate my sculpting techniques with something everyone loves or at least have to have on their Birthday or Wedding......CAKE! I had a few orders in the US but wanted to gain a bit of experience and technique more than anything. You have to start somewhere. 

My favourite programs on the food channel were Ace of Cakes and the Cake challenge. Which if you didn't know were about a cake store in Baltimore who do really fantastic cakes and the other was a show where professional cake decorators compete to win the title of the best American cake decorator. I know it's a little cliche but to me the people on these shows are real artists and thats what appealed to me more so than the baking. 

I have recently moved back to Wales in the UK, to the mother land and here a few of my creations so far. 

This pink Rose cake was for my Aunt's 
Birthday. I had hand painted the detail on 
it and made a lace butterfly for a 3D 
dimension on the cake. 
Well I hade to do a cake for my little boys 2nd Birthday.
And yes, he loves ToyStory. The figures took a log time to make but
worth it. It's kind of a sense of pride making the figures yourself.
It was a combination of gum paste or flower paste, icing and
patience.....A LOT of PATIENCE!

                               Camera and Google cake 

So for this cake, I made the camera out of rice crispy and marshmallows then covered it 
with icing and the computer I made out of Gum paste along with the keyboard and mouse. 
I really liked this one because of the detail on it.I even put a picture of the Birthday boy on the back of the camera using a printed sheet of icing.  

                                                                  The Piano 

This one took a long time to do, but I love this one! I didn't want to make just any plain piano I wanted to add all the right details to it. So I piped the strings inside the piano and on the guitar. I also made the music sheet out of a thin layer of gum paste and painted the Happy Birthday tune on the score. The piano lid was the hardest as I wanted to make an open piano. But with a little bit of gum paste and a wooden dowel I manage to make it work. Woohooo to me!